Cam invited some friends from San Diego and LA to come up to the desert for a weekend of climbing.

We started out at the Warm Up Wall since it was in the sun and climbed Clip Jr. 6****, High Seas 7****, Croud Pleaser 9****, and Babushka 8*****. After that we packed up and headed back towards Bishop to the Happy Boulders. We bouldered there till dark. The next day we climbed at the Alabama Hills.

Jeff belaying Rob up High Seas.

Jeff leading Clip Jr.

Rob on Clip Jr.

Brooke and Cam checking out the guide book between climbs.

Cam showing everyone how to make your way up an overhanging boulder.

Me giving it a try too.

Looks like Jeff is chalking up and about to get on the boulder.

Here he comes...

I guess the climb was too easy if Cam had time to stop and make faces at the photographer...